
Friday, July 25, 2014


Puzzles. And more puzzles. Mostly puzzles at work. That's when I love to do them. Ever since I started my new job, I have been obsessed with putting puzzles together. I think that I have done over 10 puzzles. For some reason, putting together puzzles entertains me to a certain extent. It passes the time as well as makes me think logically. Plus, puzzles is a fun word to say. Try it. Say puzzles. :D

Anyways, less about puzzles and more about something else. Although I really, honestly don't know what exactly I'm trying to talk about. It's my first night back to work this week and I work till Saturday. And then I get three days off and work four. Working four nights in a row is really tough, especially on very little sleep, because my body won't allow me to sleep past 5 hours. I want to sleep more, but our bodies have a different brain altogether.

It's also that time of my life when I miss my family back in Russia. I keep wondering why my uncle hasn't written back in a long time. I emailed him and told me to let me know when we can skype, but he hasn't replied :( I just hope that everything is ok. I worry all the time. I want to see my great- aunt. I want to hug her and kiss her. And tell her thank you for all the times that she took us away from the orphanage to her house on vacations. It's been too long since I have talked to her and I'm starting to feel a little depressed about that. I just hope that I can see her soon, and talk to her sooner. I miss her.


  1. Hi! I love your blog! Maybe you could check out my blog? The link is below.

    1. Hey Jollygirl! Thanks, I'm glad you like my blog. I tried to go to your blog, but the link took me to a place that said that the blog doesn't exist. Are you sure you gave me the right link? I'd love to follow!

    2. Jollygirl, I figured it out. Instead of clicking on the link, I clicked on your blog name :) But for some odd reason it won't let me follow you. :( I'll keep trying

    3. Sorry! I gave you the wrong link! The right link is below.

    4. It still won't let me follow :( I have no idea why. I tried using the "join this site" button and by email.
