
Sunday, July 20, 2014

11 Things You Don't Know About Me

i. Post eleven facts about yourself.
ii. Answer the eleven questions provided by the person who nominated you and then create an eleven-question set for the next group of nominees.
iii. Choose eleven people to nominate and link them in the post.
iv. Let your nominees know they've been tagged - and no tag-backs!
Ok, so I was nominated by a blog reader, Rebecca Jane to do this. Sadly, I can't choose eleven people because I don't have those eleven people to choose from! So here go my facts

1. I'm Russian - but I'm positively sure that you know that from my blog. Yes, I do read, speak and write Russian. In case you were wondering.
2. I have lived in the United States for 9 years and before that in Russia for 11. 
3. I want to have at least 10 cats, if not more. But I'm prettttyy sure my boyfriend would get crazy. lol
4. I hate elevators. Mostly because I'm afraid of heights. And mostly because I'm afraid of getting stuck on the elevator or the elevator falling. 
5. I have never, ever gone to a public school until I started college. 
6. I have worked as a caregiver for about 7 years. I want to be a lawyer. Huh... Wrong line of work I'm in.
7. Over the years I have wanted to write a book, and have always started one, got writer's block and never got back to it. It's happened with at least 5, maybe more different books that I started to and never finished writing
8. I hate the sight of blood and gruesome stuff in reality, but watching it on movies doesn't bother me. Weird? You tell me!
9. I have always and probably will always be super obsessed with spelling and grammar being right. Call me a perfectionist if you must, but it annoys me when people are oblivious to how they are spelling. 
10. I'm a very fast typist. I can type 65-80 wpm. Depends on how my day is going :D
11. Fact: I am a chocoholic. But I hate peanut butter. Always have and always will. 

1. Is there a specific way you eat Oreos? I love dipping my Oreos in milk and munching on them. 
2. If you could live in any era (say Victorian times, 1930's, 1500's, etc.), what would it be? I would love to live in the Victorian times, but I would definitely rather live in the Narnian time.. sadly, it doesn't exist. 
3. Why and when did you first start blogging? Honestly, the reason I started blogging is because I never could talk about my feelings in person, so I thought why not try it over the internet? The people that read my blog don't really know me so it's easier to say stuff. I started blogging in January, although I have had a previous blog that I let go.
4. If you had to eat only one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? It might make me fat, but it would be chocolate and anything to do with chocolate. Hey, some chocolate is actually really good for you. Dark chocolate. 
5. What is something you have too much of that is taking up too much space? My makeup. I really need to get rid of some of it... Don't judge me, everyone... well most everyone wears it!
6. What is the longest time you have gone without sleep? Oh boy. That's a tough one. I would say more than 24 hrs at one point of my life when I don't remember? I vaguely remember having to stay up, but don't remember why, 
7. Coffee or tea? Can't I pick both? Well, it isn't for you to decide :) 
8. If your favorite celebrity sat next to you on a plane, what would you do? I would start a conversation about something other than their life, because I'm pretty sure most everyone asks them about it!
9. What is your favorite song? Least favorite? Favorite song? That's not fair! I have so many!! Least favorite song is Somebody that I used to know. Ughh I hate it!!
10. Describe the funniest thing that's happened to you in the past year. Funniest thing? Hmm. Let me think here for a minute. You know, I really can't recall any funny moments at this particular moment. Mostly because I have been up since 2:30 in the afternoon of July 19th. And I won't get to sleep till I go home at 6:30 am. 
11. Do you prefer cooking or crafting? I prefer cooking, but if I'm in the mood for it, I will do crafting. 

Ok, any blog readers reading my blogs, I have 11 questions for you. If you are reading this post and would like to join in the fun of posting awesome and random stuff about yourself, feel free! I'm not here to judge you or look down on you. That's not my business and shouldn't be anyone else's how you live your life and what kinds of things you love to do. We are all different people, with different creative minds and beautiful souls.

1. If you could, would you adopt a pet monkey? 
2. Would you rather watch a movie at home or at the theater? Why?
3. Girls: High heals or flats? Guys: slippers or boots? You don't have to answer the specific question. If you girls like boots, then be it so. I, myself like boots, high heals and flats. 
4. IF you could travel anywhere in the the world, where would it be and why? 
5. What language would you love to know? 
6. Would you rather own a private jet or a super car?
7. If you had a billion dollars what would you do with the money?
8. Are you a night owl or a day hawk? Wait, does that even make sense with the day hawk? I'm too tired to care.
9. What is your dream job/career?
10. If you could be anyone famous from any era, who would you be and why? I know I would love to be Audrey Hepburn. Mostly because I look so much like her. At least that's what my mom and my boyfriend tell me.
11. Ocean or mountains?

Sorry, peeps, I'm not quite sure how to make my page look normal like it usually does and right now, I'm so tired, I'm not going to care about it! P.S. I can't wait to go home and cuddle up with my awesome boyfriend before he has to go to work. Ehh that's life.


  1. College was my first public school experience too. And Narnian time would be fantastic!

    1. Glad to find out that I'm not the only one with the school experience! And yes, Narnia is the best . If only it existed for real.

  2. That's funny! You're not the only person I've tagged who has said their least favorite song was "Somebody That I Used To Know". That must be a really unpopular song!
    I, also, could live on chocolate. It's the most amazing food known to man!

    -- Rebecca

    1. Oh, I absolutely hate that song! It doesn't have a nice sound to it, doesn't really make sense and is just plain ugly! lol

      And yes, chocolate is the best thing that's happened for us chocolate lovers!
