
Monday, July 18, 2016

A New Beginning

Hey guys. Long time no see.. err, blog? I don't know the word I'm looking for, but it's been a WHILE. Sowwwyyyy :( 

BUT! So many things have happened since the last time that I wrote - I have to tell you all about it!

First things first. Remember my "amazing", "awesome", "handsome" bf? Yeah, well he's an a**hole. And I should have realised that so much sooner than I did, but it took us breaking up and having to live in the same place (unfortunately) and him still fighting with me "trying to fix me" because I had an "addiction" to playing a certain video game most of the night even though my new job... (yes, I found a job, FINALLY!) ((and I've been there for just about a year; I will be celebrating my one year anniversary on the 30th of this month, yay!))

... Anyway's, where was I? Oh, right, he was "trying to fix" my video game "addiction". I was working strictly nights (11pm-8am) and after sleeping all day after work I wasn't tired and of course on my days/nights off what was I to do but play video games? I mean, what is there to do in the town I live at, during the night? Absolutely nothing. I didn't have an addiction though. Sure, I spent hours at a time playing, but I always went to bed when I got tired and I still did things outside the game - I spent time with family, I went to places. My so - called "addiction" wasn't that. I told my ex that he needed to fix himself and his drinking addiction before attempting to fix someone else who didn't need fixing. One night, things got so bad that after defending myself, he threatened to shoot me in the face if I ever did that again. In no hell's way was I about to stand while he hit me and do nothing. In the morning, I packed some of my things and took the xbox and headed to my dad's house. I was going to file a restraining order on the douche, but since it was the weekend, there was nothing I could do until the court opened. First thing on Monday, though I filed the restraining order, the judge saw me, heard my story and granted it to me! I was so relieved and thankful. All I had to wait for is for my ex to be served, so that I could move back in and start fresh. It took a few days to a week for him to be served, but once he did it was a glorious day!

That restraining order is still in effect and will be until Dec. Thankfully, I have not seen or heard from him since.

Other good things have happened to me since then, and one of them was becoming friends with one of the best people that I know. A shout to S.M. for being there for me during my most difficult times and my happy times. I'm incredibly thankful to have had met you and to have you in my life. I also want to say... the bad things? They're there only for a short period of time and the good stuff always overcomes everything uneventful. Love you always! 

Also, my great friend, A moved in with me and it's been going great. We want to move to a different place where we don't have to listen to GIANT elephant-like creatures living up above us that walk so loudly that sometimes I'm afraid that they'll fall through the ceiling. Haha ha. Oh.

Guys, it's late and I have to wrap it up, but I'll try to write more often now that things are going much better for me. Au Revoir!

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